My comment on Albini’s passing to my wife was, “the fellow who produced a third of my record collection just died.” And yes, it hit me hard. So happy for you and your wife! Warmest congratulations to the new parents!

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I am apparently the person on Bluesky with whom Steve Albini had his last exchange (on the word "stet," of all things). I of course knew who he was, but in the moment I didn't register his name at all; he was just someone who said something about something I said. This is a lovely essay you've written, and also: Big congratulations on the new arrival!

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Wow! Thank you!

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Also I have the very bad/odd habit of saying "apparently" when what I mean is "unquestionably."

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Beautifully said! And congratulations on the new family member!

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Congrats, Jason!

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Congratulations Mama and Papa!! Buckle-up...

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The image of Albini I had in my mind was placed there in 1996 by a Courtney Love quote, so I haven’t really come to appreciate him until after his passing.

In other news, congrats on the new human!

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Thanks for this.


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